• We study US History from Colonial times through Reconstruction, with some exploration up until 1914. We use the Creating America textbook, primary documents from the time, and the Center for Civic Education We The People curriculum. Students conduct original research projects, and each year, many advance from school to county to state in National History Day competition. 

    Homework is on Schoolloop and the classroom whiteboard, with details for many assignments on Google Classroom. For the Schoolloop calendar, log into Schoolloop and click here.

    Period 1-2 students connect to Google Classroom here.  If this link does not work, see me for the class code to join our class.

    Period 3-4 students connect to Google Classroom here.  If this link does not work, see me for the class code to join our class.

    The History Day Hyperdoc For the History Day Hyperdoc, with a full project calendar, research tips, note-taking guides, and other resources, click here.