No limits on learning at ACE!
ACE is truly a special place. As we begin our launch of our new school year, we ask that you continue to stay involved by bringing positivity, energy and creativity to our school as we continue to strengthen our programs. Our stakeholders are our greatest strength and greatest resource. Together, we can drive ACE and our mission even further. To those of you who are new to ACE, the entire school welcomes you to a very special community. Our school is a place where children come to learn and a place they feel special.
At Altamont Creek Elementary, your Wildcats will be expected to engage in reading, writing, discussing, critical thinking, problem solving and hands-on learning. The vast majority of learning occurs in the classroom with the teacher and classmates. Students will collaborate, communicate, think, experiment, and reflect throughout each day. Therefore, being in class is very important for each student, every day. When Wildcats miss school – they miss out!
Our commitment to hands-on, tactile, kinesthetic project-based learning develops students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, motivation, communication, and cooperation. Project-based learning is woven throughout the academic model through high standards for student behavior, applied learning, student choice, and continuous feedback; developing decision-making and self-regulation; and learning from “failures”.
Points of Pride:
▪ California & U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School
▪ Kindness Certified School
▪ Positive Behavior Intervention & Support: PBIS is a process which focuses on improving our school's ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students.
▪ Kid Connection, Lunch Bunch & Social Thinking: We have 3 programs that provide students the opportunity to learn and practice positive social skills.
▪ Commitment to Fine & Performing Arts:
▪ Our Garden Classroom is a Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. We are also certified by the Bay Friendly Landscaping and Gardening Coalition. Our garden is organic and helps students learn about nutrition and food systems. Our garden features a bird viewing area, a compost area, and an area for students to write, read, sketch and measure
▪ Peacekeepers: 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are trained in conflict resolution to support students at recess.
▪ Running Club: Over 200 students participate 2X week before school.
▪ Student Valet: 4th and 5th graders are trained to help with morning drop off.
▪ Family School Partnership: We believe a strong parent staff partnership is critical to our success. We have a very active volunteer base and our PTA is incredible.
▪ Intervention, Student Council, Field Trips, Clubs, Science Odyssey and MORE!
We are excited to announce:
*New Science Curriculum Adoption
*More resources, interventions and stretch curriculum for your children
*Growing enrichment opportunities
*New shade structure for snack and lunchtime
*New and increased technology in the classrooms
*More literacy opportunities for parents and families
*Continuation of the wildly successful Wildcat Wow program
*More opportunities to get involved
*New peer conflict mediator program
*More professional development for teachers
*New and improved assessments to provide better insight on your child’s strengths and needs
*A growing and experienced staff
Below are some highlights we’re looking forward to:
Wildcat Welcome, Coffee with the Principal, Book Fair, Talent Show, Trunk or Treat, FundRun, Sandia Family Science Night, Halloween Parade, spirit days, clubs, Maker Space, Spelling Bee, Robotics, Family Bingo, Science Odyssey, Family Fun Festival, and Hoe Down!
I hope this brief glimpse of the many exciting initiatives we have planned conveys how much we care for your children. Our doors and hearts are open. We look forward to a successful start of school, a smooth transition and a whole lot of fun to kick start our next 180 school days!