• K. Starkovich

Principal's Message

  • Dear Families,

    As we embark on the 2024-2025 school year, we are excited to celebrate becoming a Leader in Me Lighthouse Certified school in July 2024.  This was a huge accomplishment and is a testament to all the hard work of our students and staff. A few of the activities happening at Lawrence Elementary that are a result of the Leader in Me include: Student-led Parent Conferences, Service Learning Projects, Leadership Jobs, and Student Leadership Portfolios. More than 7,000 public, private, and charter schools across 70 countries have adopted the Leader in Me model, and Lawrence is one of the 700 plus schools to achieve the prestigious Lighthouse Certification.  Additional information about Leader in Me is available at leaderinme.org.

    We are grateful to continue a partnership with LVJUSD's Adult Transition Program (ATP). ATP is designed for students ranging from 18 to 22 years of age with mild to severe disabilities. The program emphasizes student independence, choice making, individualized work experience, communication skills, money skills, etc. There will be endless opportunities for our elementary students and staff to collaborate with ATP.

    Lawrence Elementary continues to be a special community with strong parent involvement and dedicated staff. We welcome you on campus to help in a way that meets your desires. Much of what we have accomplished in the past 7 1/2 years has a direct correlation to parent involvement. We will forever be grateful to our supportive families. 

    It takes a team to accomplish something meaningful and significant for all.  As we experience the 2024-2025 school year together, please remember I am just a phone call or email away. If I may be of assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

    Warm regards,

    Kristie Starkovich