Links to Online Learning

Clever and Mobymax Login

  • Clever is an online login portal used by the school district to make logging in easier for our younger students

    For TK/ K/1:  Login at Clever Login from a chromebook or computer that has a front facing camera OR on a mobile device using the Clever App  iOS Cever App.  Choose 'Clever Badge Login' and use the single sign on QR badge from your classroom teacher to login.

    Grades 2-5: All students will login at Clever Login.  Choose 'Login with Active Directory' and use their google id and student id number as a password.   This will give students access to everything they access in their classroom.


  • Epic! is an amazing digital library that gives kids unlimited access to over 25,000 books, audiobooks and learning videos. It's personalized for your child and their interests, from animals and comics to DIY, science and so much more.  Epic! is easy access anytime- on your smarphone, iPad or computer.

    Epic! Reading

Pearson Investigations Math

  • Go to
    Go to and click "Sign On" in the upper-right hand corner.
    Then in the login box, click on "Pearson EasyBridge Auto Plus" button. Do not place your login information in the username and password boxes.
    Type in "Livermore" and click on our district name when it pops up.
    Now sign-in using your district username/password (do not include the "")

    NOTE: You CANNOT bookmark the PearsonRealize link

California State Library Databases

  • All California public schools now have access to three database providers, via the California State Library. The following databases are IP address authenticated, so students do not need to manually log in on the LVJUSD network.  If you would like to access from home please contact the Library Media Specialist at your site for passwords.



    Encyclopedia Britannica:

    Encyclopedia Britannica Digital Learning   

    Encyclopedia Britannica - English

    Encyclopedia Britannica - Spanish

    Teaching Books:

    Teaching Books