Granada Supporters
  • The Granada Supporters website

    Granada Supporters Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization comprised of parent, student, and staff volunteers dedicated to enriching academics, athletics, and other programs at Granada High School in Livermore CA. There are many ways for you to make a difference for our High School.  Become an Official Member of Granada Supporters for just $20/year or $100 lifetime! Visit our Future Fund Webstore and sign up today at

    Attend our monthly meetings and help decide how we can best support our Granada Students and the Granada Community! The dates for the 2024-2025 year are shown below. All meetings are held in MM4  on the 2nd Monday of each month at GHS unless otherwise noted. To receive an invite link, please email Jaime at

    Aug 19 (3rd Monday)
    Sept. 9
    Oct. 14
    Nov. 12 (Tuesday)
    Dec. 9
    Jan. 13
    Feb. 10
    March 10
    April 14
    May 12
    June 9 (Zoom)
    No Meeting in July