Abbreviations Related to Special Education
ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
APE: Adaptive Physical Education
CAC: Community Advisory Committee
CARS: California Association of Resource Specialists
CCR: California Code of Regulations -Title V
CCR: Coordinated Compliance Review
CCS: California Children Services, provides OT (Occupational Therapy), PT (Physical Therapy), Speech, and other services to children meeting eligibility criteria
CH: Communicatively Handicapped
CMH: County Mental Health
Composite of Laws: California Education Code containing Special Education Laws
CP: Cerebral Palsy
CBI: Community-Based Instruction
DHH: Deaf/Hard of Hearing
DIS: Designated Instruction and Services, same as related services; commonly includes OT, PT, Speech Therapy, Adaptive P.E
ECSE: Early Childhood Special Education
FAPE: Free Appropriate Public Education
GATE: Gifted and Talented Education
IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (P.L. 101-476)
IEP: Individualized Education Program
ITP: Individualized Transition Program
LD: Learning Disabled
LEP: Limited English Proficient
LH: Learning Handicapped
Local Plan: A legal document that describes in detail how the special education local agency will implement special education laws and regulations within its jurisdiction.
LRE: Least Restrictive environment
LSH: Language, Speech, Hearing
MH: Multi handicapped
OH: Orthopedically Handicapped
OHI: Other Health Impaired
OT: Occupational Therapy
PH: Physically Handicapped
PT: Physical Therapy
P.L. 94-142: Education for All Handicapped Children Act (federal law)
RCC: Regional Coordinating Council
Related Service: See DIS
ROP: Regional Occupation Program
RSP: Resource Specialist Program
SDC: Special Day Class
Section 504: Section of the Civil Rights Law (Rehabilitation Act of 1973) pertaining to Special Education
SED: Seriously Emotionally Disturbed
SELPA: Special Education Local Plan Area
SH: Severely Handicapped
SIP: School Improvement Program
SLD: Specific Learning Disability
SST: Student Study Team (same as child study team and guidance team)
Title 5 Regulations: California regulations concerning special education laws
VH: Visually Handicapped
VI: Visually Impaired
Visual Motor: The ability to coordinate vision with body movements